Everyday habits of mine

This year I wanted to get my habits under controll and also create a few new ones to level up my everyday life. I really believe in introducing habits at a slow pace and also give yourself some grace to “fail” them once in a while.
To be gently reminded of the small habits every day I have a notes app on the front page of my phone where I have a small list with things I want to do everyday to feel better.

The list consists of these bullet points:

  • Morning pages

  • Drink water + take vitamins

  • Train Idun

  • Do a workout

  • Stretch

  • Read book

There you have it. Let’s dive a bit deeper!

Morning pages
This is a fairly new routine I’ve started. It’s from the book “TheArtist’s way” by Julia Cameron. I have not read it, but maybe someday I will - I really enjoy this practice actually. If you want to read how I fit in to my schedule you can read about in my post from last week “Batch Working?”

Drink Water + Take Vitamins
This should be easy, right? I drink water to every meal but I doubt that’s enough. So I added this habit to my list. And also to take vitamins can be such a hard thing to remember! But as I’m pregnant I want to make sure to stay on top of this habit.

Train Idun
This is a home alone training habit we try to get into. And it can be different every day. From letting her be in a room on her own, or to practice balancing or nosework! But it’s good to have it as a habit because then she gets stimulated every day! And that means happy dog!

Do a workout
Yes, this is on my every day habit list. Because I’m hyper flexible I can easily get crooked and get a lot of pain from sitting down a lot. Walking Idun is also very good, but I need some strength training also. And I don’t do 1 hour workouts every day, no no! It can be 20 min of low impact cardio and 10 min x 2 of targeted strength training, ex. arms and back. And another day it might mean 30 min of pilates.
Just to keep my body strong and healthy!

This is my most recent add to this list. I stretch my hips for 3 min every day to get them prepped and ready for the end of this pregnancy :) And it feels very good when you have been sitting a lot!

Read my book
This habit I love. I listen to books every day and I constantly have an audiobook going that I can turn to when doing dishes or so. But I love to have a physical book going as well. And then I read a lot of non-fiction right now. The book I read right now is “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert - loving it! I also read it aloud to Robin when I want some company :) It’s very nice to discuss it because he also have a creative job.

That’s all of my tiny habits that make my everyday life better! And none of them takes that much time which is crucial to me.

Do you have some habits you do every day?

Have a woolly day, and happy knitting!


Yggdrasil Pullover


Batch working?